Business: How I Began Operating An Online Store In China

Bathabile Masilela modelling clothing items from her collection — Bathabile Boutique.

In October 2016, at the age of 27, I launched my first business, an online store named Bathabile Boutique in Guangzhou, China. I had been living and teaching English in China for two years at the time, and I thought it was now or never. It was both thrilling and terrifying.

I should point out that six months earlier, I was networking and learning everything I could about the import and export industry. Fortunately, I had business connections who were able to educate and advise me on how to go about selling clothes overseas. Networking is essential to running a successful business. The more connections you have, the better. At the time I launched Bathabile Boutique, my network included English teachers from all over the world (including England, Russia, America, Canada, Africa, and local Chinese teachers), as well as businesspeople from Africa (Tanzania, Cameroon, and Nigeria), and Europe. I was highly connected and I knew people.

After conducting extensive research, I began searching for reputable suppliers online. To begin, I utilized the Chinese versions of the Alibaba and Taobao apps. They were fantastic! Then, in collaboration with Chinese suppliers, I established a Facebook Page. I began promoting items from their catalogues that appealed to South African consumers. I should highlight that at first, I solely intended to offer female apparel such as dresses, shoes, lingerie, swimwear, two-piece sets, and so on. However, due to high demand and individual requests, I included a men's catalogue. The advantage of establishing an online store is that you don’t need large amounts of capital. You just need approximately R18 000 for marketing expenses and stock purchases, reliable suppliers offering high-quality goods, a trusted shipping company with affordable rates, and competent part-time assistants to help manage the orders. You are positioned for success if you have these resources.

The Bathabile Boutique logo
Managing any type of business comes with challenges, no matter how easy or difficult it is to set up. In the beginning, when I first launched Bathabile Boutique, I didn't start generating profit until around the fourth or fifth month — competition was fierce! To differentiate myself from my competitors, I engaged in substantial marketing and launched concurrent campaigns. Moreover, I held competitions and gave away freebies such as bags, clothing, beauty treatments, lingerie, and so on. Three factors contributed to my company's success. The first and foremost is God; the second is expanding my business to Botswana and Lesotho and supplying goods to small business owners; and the third is collaborating with celebrities such as Nonhle Thema, Nomsa Madida, Blue Mbombo, Khabonina Qubeka, and Kedebone Mkhabela to wear and promote my brand on social media platforms. Though it's not always necessary, working with well-known influencers is usually beneficial. Let's look at some important elements to take into account before selling clothing online.

Bathabile Masilela posing with the Tanzania male model Kevin
Bathabile Masilela modelling clothing items from her boutique collection.

Important aspects of selling clothes online:
  • Conduct thorough research: don't rush this process; take your time.
  • Set the right prices: examine your rivals' rates to determine how you should set your own.
  • Use HD images to promote your products: it's fine to slightly modify the images, but don't go overboard.
  • If possible, model the items yourself or encourage friends and family to do so: this adds a personal touch to your business and gives buyers an accurate notion of how the products appear in real life.
  • Be transparent: being open and honest with your clients can help you avoid problems in the future.
  • Stand out from your competitors: The fashion industry is fiercely competitive!
  • Offer some freebies to increase word-of-mouth and draw in new clients. 
  • Taxes: include a commercial invoice with every order to avoid problems with South African customs. Make sure the shipping company provides this with your package.
  • Hire someone or handle your accounting: you can do it manually or via software. 
  • Save time by downloading an invoice app.
  • Read online reviews and compare costs to find a reputable and reasonably priced shipping company - finding three is ideal.
Bathabile Masilela collaborates with Blue Mbombo
  • Set up an online platform to sell your products: if you're short on cash and can't afford a website at first, you can create a Facebook store. However, one drawback of a Facebook shop is that not everyone uses Facebook, so make sure your customers have access to your merchandise.
  • Collaborate with journalists to increase organic exposure
  • Make a difference in the community by donating clothing to orphanages, hospices, and other organisations.
  • Get the WeChat app—it's like the Chinese equivalent of WhatsApp. WeChat is used by Chinese suppliers to communicate.
  • Paying the supplier(s): Ensure that you and the supplier have a clear understanding of how payment will be made from the start.
Things to keep an eye out for:
  • Online scams.
There are more scams on the web than ever before. Scammers are becoming more sophisticated over time. Trust your instincts; if something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.
  • After Covid-19, international trade changed.
Everything nowadays is pricey. Following Covid-19, China has implemented stricter rules, while South Africa has raised taxes. 
  • Avoid buying goods in large quantities, even if the supplier urges you to.
Because you're testing the market, limit your purchases to five pieces per item. 
To begin, you can purchase five different items (for example, shoes, dresses, swimwear, tops, and jumpsuits) in four different sizes. That's a good place to start. If you think 20 items is insufficient, you could add ten more to make it 30 pieces

For further details on this subject, send us a message here.

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