Formal English Terms You Ought to Understand When Writing Emails

Handsome Caucasian man sitting in an office flaring his hands in the air with a perplexed expression on his face.

For some people, writing emails doesn't come naturally. It takes practise and understanding the English language to write grammatically correct emails. Moreover, vocabulary is a key component for writing exceptional emails, and it can be frustrating to not comprehend the terms used in a business email. Let's take a look at ten formal English terms that every English speaker should be familiar with.

1. Herewith: please find attached or with this, kindly find.

2. Hereto: with regards to or pertaining to.

3. Herein: in this email (letter, contact, document, or book).

4. Hereinafter: in the following section or subsequently in this text.

5 Hereby: and by reason of this (email or document) or as a result of.

6 Heretofore: from (the period or date) until now.

7. Hereunder: as per the contract or document, to the extent of or in respect to.

8. Hereof: in the above-mentioned document or according to the information given.

9. Hereupon: following this; then immediately after that or the next thing right after that.

10. Hereabout: in this instance or in this particular case.


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