How Far Can Delusion Go?

A red silhouette figure of a man in the dark.
One thing I’ve come to realise is that you cannot reason with delusion. In my opinion, delusion is usually self-inflicted deception since it involves holding onto a false fixed belief despite evidence to the contrary. Essentially, it consists of selfishness and is mostly focused on the assailant's desires. 

Unfortunately, a delusional person is not rational, although they think they are. This is possibly the most disturbing feature of delusion, in that the person suffering from it appears normal and sane to others. Either way, I agree with Panos Cosmatos. I guess a little bit of delusion can go a long way. Allow me to narrate a true story to support this statement. (Take note: The names of the characters in the tale have been modified to protect their identities.)

Cebisa, a young female entrepreneur, was busy training a client earlier this year when her phone began to ring. Cebisa courteously asked the customer if she could take the call in her presence, thinking it was more business. Her client concurred. Cebisa answered the phone and discovered that the person on the other end of the line was her ex-Kananelo from ten years ago. Yes, you read that correctly—an ex from ten years ago! As expected, Cebisa couldn't hide her annoyance, and her client noticed the shift in her demeanour and tone of voice. Cebisa lashed out at Kananelo to leave her alone because it had been ten years since their breakup and Cebisa had moved on with her life. This is the epitome of delusion!

A woman wrestling with anxiety and delusional disorder.

How far, then, can delusion go? Very far, even to the point of death. Can it be cured? Yes, but not by natural means alone. The problem with medication is that it leads to dependency and only temporarily reduces the severity of the condition. When it comes to mental illnesses, doctors can only do so much. The reason for this is that humans are tripartite, which means they are made up of three parts: spirit, soul, and body. Doctors and scientists can aid on a human level, which means they can help with the body and soul (with limitations), but they cannot help with the spirit component of a person.

You see, the human mind is incredibly complex. And no, when I say "mind", I'm not referring to the brain. Many people mistake the brain and the mind for the same thing. But in reality, the mind and the brain are two very distinct but interconnected entities. Like schizophrenia, delusion affects the way people perceive reality. Furthermore, persons suffering from this mental disorder do not believe they require treatment or support. Instead, they deceive themselves and others into believing that everything is under control while, in reality, they are living in their own fantasy world. Learn English with Bathabile (LEWB) helps those who are suffering from depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and delusional disorder. If you or someone you know is suffering from any of these conditions, please contact us at 061 535 1081! We provide one complimentary 30-minute session.


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