How To Flourish In A Morally Lopsided World

Right verses wrong.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” - Isaiah‬ ‭5‬:‭20‬ ‭(CSB‬)

‬Indeed, those who replace good for evil and evil for good will meet their end. Every action we take has repercussions. Eventually, the truth always comes out, no matter how long it takes. Yet, regrettably, we live in a time where society promotes immorality and justice isn’t served. What a time to be alive! The world appears to be under a spell; in truth, it is. How can people who adhere to morals and principles thrive in a morally bankrupt world? Here are seven tips:
  1. Do not conform to worldly standards, no matter how much pressure you face. Maintain your integrity.
  2. Keep your mind free from negative and toxic thoughts. Be mindful of what you watch and with whom you surround yourself.
  3. Build a strong support system.
  4. Kick procrastination out the door. Hold yourself accountable for your actions, and don’t make excuses.
  5. Do not let other people's emotions and behaviours shape you into someone you are not.
  6. Regardless of the challenges you experience, never lose sight of your goals. Take the initiative. Ensure that you complete one task per day that brings you one step closer to your goals.
  7. Detach yourself from people who aren’t likeminded, who have no morals, and who promote debauchery.


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