LEWB’s Teaching Philosophy: Our Approach to Education

A man fly’s in the sky with a gigantic book strapped on his shoulders.

At LEWBwe firmly believe that education should mainly be taught through five methods: problem-based learning (PBL)experiential learning, personalised learning, inclusive teachingand simulation-based learningThese methods give students the opportunity to use what they've learned to address problems in the real world while also giving them access to real-time coaching and feedback.

We always strive to provide learners with a meaningful and rich learning experience by encouraging them to ask questions (creating a community of inquirers), responding positively and honestly to every learner's questions (even when we're unsure about an answer), actively listening when they speak, providing every learner with an opportunity to voice their opinions during class discussions, deepening their understanding through case study analysis, and encouraging joint learning through PBL.

A group of young adult students is standing in the university’s library.

The purpose of education is to prepare learners for the real world through a balance of theory and practise (the keyword is balance). At LEWBwe empower our students to learn through experience, to be able to reflect on those experiences through discussions and presentations, and to apply what they've learned in classroom activities and class projects. Through PBL, experiential learning, personalised learning, inclusive teaching, and simulation-based learning, our clients benefit because they're learning in a fun and enjoyable way, learning is hands-on, they're actively engaged, and reflection practises become habitual and a way of life.

A diverse group of graduates throw their graduation hats in the air.

If a team of observers were asked to attend and describe one of our classes, they would likely employ the following terms or phrases:
  • Innovative. 
  • Student-centred.
  • Learners experiment and learn through self-discovery and problem-solving.
  • Creative thinking and critical thinking are encouraged and enforced, etc.
This is due to the fact that LEWB teachers perceive themselves as facilitators, supporters, and coaches who play an active role in educating learners because teachers are no longer seen as the sole source of knowledge. Information is easily and freely available everywhere—online, through social media, on television, and so on.

A group of adults hold cards.

Moreover, we believe that teaching should foster lifelong learning competencies, which is our ultimate goal as our teaching methods promote collaborative learning and teamwork where students learn how to communicate with each other and solve real-life problems (PBL), are accountable for their own learning, and can immediately apply knowledge through field trips and service learning projects (experiential learning).

As an organisation, we continually work to enhance our teaching skills and techniques to guarantee that our clients receive quality education, and we are able to learn from our shortcomings and do better through reflective practises; after all, our students deserve the best.


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