“I'm Burned Out, Help! I’m Struggling To Balance Work And Studies.”

A man doses off while writing a test at school.

Let's face it, life is unpredictable. One minute, everything seems to be going fine. The next thing you know, life is throwing you lemons, and you’re on an unpleasant rollercoaster. Indeed, it’s challenging to balance family life; what more when your education is involved? It's easy to take on too much and feel burned out, which can cause mental and emotional distress. To prevent burnout, follow our guidelines below:

1. Take care of yourself 
When you feel overwhelmed, overworked, and overloaded, engage in activities that recharge you. Set aside one day a week for "me time" and relaxation. In addition, practise healthy behaviours and take regular breaks—this is critical!

2. Set realistic goals and establish boundaries 
Learn to say no; you can’t please everyone all the time. We all have limits; avoid taking on more than you can handle. Also, implement a healthy study plan that works for you.

3. Develop personalised study habits
There isn't a "one size fits all" way to study effectively; however, there are techniques you can employ to enhance your recall and long-term memory. Use personalised study methods that establish effective results. Moreover, practise active learning and seek assistance when needed.

4. Manage your time well 
Create a schedule, then divide activities into smaller projects and eliminate any unnecessary distractions. Avoid multitasking and be sure to finish one task at a time. To make sure that one task doesn't take too long to accomplish, you can also create deadlines.

5. Network and establish a secure support system 
Admitting to yourself and others that you're having trouble coping is okay. Reach out to close friends, family, or mentors for help. Additionally, use online resources or campus materials for guidance.


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