Mental Illusions: Double Me!

A black and white image of a woman who holds up two contradictory pictures of herself.

We are, by definition, living in a time where reality is ambiguous. Evidently, society has labelled fantasy and deception as authentic. In truth, darkness has cunningly infiltrated people’s minds, and many are unaware. For example, how is a 52-year-old male who identifies as a 6-year-old girl normal? As a society, where do we draw the line to say this is normal or abnormal? I’ll tell you—now, that line doesn’t exist; there simply are no boundaries; anything goes. Simply put, that line can stretch as far as you want it to! Reality has now become fluid!

Needless to say, the human mind is under severe spiritual attack, and identify seems to be the main target. Let's take a closer look at the concept of “identity”What does it mean? Well, since we are made up of a spirit, a soul, and a body, who we are as individuals is defined by a combination of our physical and spiritual traits. The way I see it, our sense of who we are is largely shaped by our upbringing. How we were raised, the people who raised us, the environment we were brought up in, our emotions, how we responded to others, etc.

African art

Although physical characteristics like your name, parents or guardians, siblings, the town where you were reared, etc. are tied to your identity. In essence, identification starts in the spiritual world, but sadly, many people are not aware of this. Satanists, for instance, sacrifice unborn children to Satan. When such children are conceived, a lot happens in the spiritual world, where evil spirits take ownership of those babies identities for life. 

Have you ever wondered how a person who has never suffered any trauma and who has no genetic or hereditary background of schizophrenia can be schizophrenic? You see, these occurrences are not random; they are not coincidences. The simple answer is this: there are unseen enemies living among us who exert influence over us in ways we are unaware of.


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