Self-Motivation: A Critical Component To Successful Learning

A boy bows his head in low spirits.

How do you remain motivated when the going gets tough? Do you rely on others to lift your spirits, or are you self-determined? The answers to these questions are crucial because they reveal whether or not you have grit.

In my experience, the number one critical component of successful learning is self-motivation. Time and time again, I’ve witnessed individuals drop out of LEWB due to one main reason: amotivation. It appears the average person gets caught up in life’s struggles as opposed to tackling them with poise. Nowadays, unfortunately, many South African adults lack the commitment and motivation to pursue and excel in their education.

A man determined to succeed.

Here are some guidelines for staying motivated:

1. Set one goal at a time and ensure you accomplish it.
2. Always celebrate the small wins.
3. Focus on the reward, not the struggles.
4. Research new ideas online.
5. Hold yourself accountable for every action.
6. On those bad days, uplift yourself and remind yourself why you’re going to win.
7. Don’t suppress negative emotions; instead, communicate with someone you trust.
8. Think about thinking. Reflect on a daily basis about your day, what you have accomplished, and what you still need to achieve.
9. Rid yourself of any bitterness, resentment, disappointment, or unforgiveness.
10. Don’t give up; believe in yourself. If plan A doesn’t work out, develop plans B, C, and even D.
11. Don’t fear failure; instead, learn from your mistakes and implement steps to prevent repeating them.
12. Motivate others who are on the same journey as you are.
13. Find the beauty in every day.
14. Don’t compare yourself to others.
15. Cultivate a positive mindset and make it a lifestyle.


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