Mental Suicide

A female closes her eyes in distress.

I can still clearly recall the first time I learned of an eight-year-old boy who was suicidal. It broke my heart! A child so young already experiences mental agony and emotional distress. How can a kid who hasn't even lived life to the fullest already be contemplating suicide?

Sadly, there are a number of factors that could lead a young child to consider suicide. One could contend that a child that young suffers from a hereditary mental disorder. Indeed, that might be the case, or that the child has suffered some kind of trauma. But what if the child has no familial or genetic history of mental illness and has not experienced any trauma?

Mental death or mental suicide can affect anyone. If you’re wondering what mental suicide is, it is the state of being physically alive but psychologically dead (or numb). It can be characterised as depression. In all my years of existence, mental illness has never been this ferocious. As one lady put it, "peace of mind is expensive"; she was referring to antidepressants. 

A woman wrapped in a white cloth screams as she suffocates.

Usually, mental death happens gradually. There are several variations and degrees of intensity. And at times, those suffering from it might not even be aware. Symptoms include amotivation, sorrowfulness, indecisiveness, worthlessness, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, emptiness, hopelessness, substance abuse, intolerance, emotional instability, temper tantrums, violence, and hallucinations.

It appears that mental suicide is a growing epidemic. But how does one receive help? Is this condition preventable? 

A woman screams in mental distress.

Thankfully, there is treatment, and yes, mental suicide is preventable. Speak to someone you trust about your mental state and seek help or advice. To prevent mental suicide, never bottle up your emotions. When you feel exceedingly overwhelmed by any situation, speak out. Open up to someone you trust and seek guidance. Another way to prevent mental suicide is to be true to who you are. Never compare yourself to others, and don’t let the pressures of life consume you. Moreover, surround yourself with people who understand you, who aren’t judgmental, and who support you. Finally, make self-introspection a daily habit. Monitor your thoughts, identify your triggers, and deal with them accordingly.

For more information on this subject, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Email us at or call us at +2761 535 1081.


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