Techniques For Improving Your Presentation Skills

Asian woman looks nervous with a microphone in her hands.

It’s a fact; we’re not all gifted the same. Some of us are great at working behind the scenes, while others shine in front of the camera. Fortunately, presentation skills can be developed. If you have trouble speaking in front of groups, consider these practical suggestions.

Plan ahead 
If you’re tasked with presenting in front of a medium-sized crowd, say 100 people, do thorough research on the selected topic and ensure to structure your speech well.

Remain Calm
While a little trepidation is acceptable, make sure your nerves are in check rather than the other way around.

Take the stage with confidence 
Energise yourself as you approach the stage. Make sure your face radiates passion and enthusiasm.

Practise your speech
Create cue cards and ensure to number them. Fill your cards with brief phrases or keywords that link to the important points rather than lengthy paragraphs.

Make eye contact 
When we’re nervous, we tend to look down instead of looking at the audience. Ideally, aim for three to five seconds when holding a gaze. Also scan the audience; don’t just focus on one area or section.

An authentic smile is one of your best physical assets. It makes people feel comfortable and at ease. Smiling while you speak allows you to connect with your audience.

To sign up for presentation skills training, call us at +2761 535 1081 today!


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